Carpet & Rug Institute

CRI: Carpet & Rug Institute

Carpet cleaning product, methods and equipment are improving all the time, but not all cleaning products clean equally well. CRI tested an assortment of carpet cleaning solutions and equipment and found a wide variance in how well these products work — and discovered that some even damage carpet.
The CRI Seal of Approval program identifies effective carpet cleaning solutions and equipment that clean carpet right the first time and protect a facility’s carpet investment. Not all products clean well enough to earn the Seal of Approval distinction, so look for the blue and green CRI Seal of Approval as proof that you are purchasing or using a quality product.

Cleaning professionals

Using Seal of Approval certified cleaning products helps your staff do their job better – the first time; it improves customer satisfaction by cleaning carpet better and keeping carpet looking great for longer; and it provides a strong competitive advantage.

Carpet cleaning product manufacturers

Only the best products can pass the CRI Seal of Approval testing and certification program. Products that pass these rigorous standards have proven cleaning effectiveness and a clear competitive advantage, as studies show that consumers are predisposed to buy a product with a certification like the CRI Seal of Approval

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